Abstract submission

We invite all participants of 8CAB2C 2017 to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster presentation. The deadline for submitting an abstract for oral and poster presentation is on 2nd October 2017 9th October 2017 at 11.59pm in the time zone of your choice (the deadline for late poster submission is on 13 November 2017). All abstracts will be evaluated based on scientific relevance.

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Submission guidelines:

Participants interested in presenting a poster at 8CAB2C 2017 are required to complete the submission form and submit a max. 350-word abstract. We suggest it to be structured as follows: BACKGROUND, the context and purpose of the study; RESULTS, the main findings; CONCLUSIONS, brief summary and potential implications. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract.

Abtracts not conforming to these guidelines will be returned without review

Submission Topics:

Presentation guidelines:

Oral and poster presentations must be in English

Poster Display Size: When preparing accepted posters please note that your poster should not exceed the following dimensions: 0.9m wide by 1.2m high. There will be 2 posters per side on the each poster board. One poster will be an odd number and the other will be an even number.