3rd Quilmes School for Advanced Bioinformatics
Computational methods for Protein Function Prediction
Dr. Giovanni Minervini and Dr. Damiano Piovesan from University of Padova
National University of Quilmes, Bernal. Bs As.
19-23 October 2015
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Computational methods for Protein Function Prediction

Dr. Giovanni Minervini and Dr. Damiano Piovesan
University of Padova

Part I:"Bioinformatic methods for large scale automatic protein annotation"

The course is intended to provide an overview on the main computational techniques representing the state of the art in the field of automatic protein function annotation. Protein function annotation represents one of the most critical problem in the genomic era. When the sequence of a given given gene or protein is known, identifying the correct function entails expensive and time consuming experiments. Automatic computational methods represent the only possible solution to keep the pace of the new fast sequencing techniques. By this, recently an entire community of scientists has recognized the need of evaluating the accuracy of existing methods and has developed the Critical Assessment of Function Annotation experiment (CAFA, http://biofunctionprediction.org).
As an expert in the field, as proven by the very good performance obtained by my methods in the last CAFA editions, I would propose a course related to the following topics. The course will be organized in 10 hours of lectures plus 10 hours of practicals in the computer room.

The course will covers the following topics:
- Biological ontologies and annotation databases, with a particular focus to the Gene Ontology and its structure and topology. [1]–[4]⁠
- Transfer by homology annotation. The virtues and vices of using standard algorithms and procedures. [5]–[10]⁠
- Large scale automatic function annotation. An overview of the state of the art methods plus detailed examples of effective implementations. [11]–[15]⁠
- Case studies [16]

The practicum teaching will highlight effective strategies to retrieve and collect annotation data from the principal biological databases. In particular, it will be shown how to solve this problem from different environments: the web interface, the command line and Python scripts. According to the programming skill level of the students the practicum could also covers some programming examples to develop basic function predictors.
- Biological ontologies and annotation databases, with a particular focus to the Gene Ontology and its structure and topology.
- Transfer by homology annotation. The virtues and vices of using standard algorithms and procedures.
- Large scale automatic function annotation. An overview of the state of the art methods plus detailed examples of effective implementations.
- Case studies.

Part II: “Recent advances in structural bioinformatics”

The course is intended to provide an overview on the main computational techniques representing the state of the art in the field of structural bioinformatics. In particular, it deals with generalizations about biological macromolecular 3D structure (i.e. three-dimensional structure prediction), comparisons of overall folds and analysis of local functional motifs, structure/function relationships, as well as principles of molecular evolution. Proteins function analysis (i.e. mutation effects interpretation) represents one of the most challenging problem in the post-genomic era, due to an increased availability of genetic data not balanced by a slow experimental functional interpretation. In this scenario, computational methodologies represent the possible solution to take advantage of new fast sequencing techniques.
To achieve this goal, international scientists community has developed several Critical Assessment competitions such as the CASP (Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction) http://predictioncenter.org/ and CAGI (Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation) https://genomeinterpretation.org/.
As an expert in the field, I would propose a course related to the following topics. The course will be organized in 10 hours of lectures plus 10 hours of practicals in the computer room.

The course will covers the following topics:
- Proteins structure prediction, with a particular focus to the homology modeling (1, 2) and ab initio (3-5)structure prediction.
- Linear motifs (6-8) and intrinsically unfolded proteins. (9-11)
- Prediction of non globular proteins (12, 13) and their characterization (14).
- Mutations effect prediction (15, (16)
- Case studies (9)

The practicum teaching will present effective strategies to analyze unannotated proteins, starting from structure prediction to function recognition and prediction of mutations effect. In particular, case studies will show how to manage non globular proteins (i.e. repeated and intrinsically unfolded proteins) and predicting the effects of human pathological mutations.
- Proteins structure prediction, with a particular focus to the homology modeling and ab initio structure prediction.
- Linear motifs and intrinsically unfolded proteins, protein-protein communication mediated by unstructured segments.
- Prediction of non globular proteins and their characterization. Unveiling the dark matter.
- Mutations effect prediction.
- Case studies.




Day Classroom Time
19th Monday 22 9 hs
44 To confirm
20th Tuesday 54 To confirm
44 To confirm
21th Wednesday 22 To confirm
44 To confirm
22th Thursday 22 To confirm
44 To confirm
23th Friday 63 To confirm
61 To confirm


To arrive at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes from Capital Federal:
- By Bus: take the bus 159 B/G in Plaza Roma (Av. Alem and Lavalle) and stop in the entrance of the university. Other way is take the bus 22 in Av. Alem and Corrientes, the bus stop in Bernal train station (5 minutes walking to the university).
- By transfer: from Correo Central to Bernal, stop near to the university.

The School

Aim and Scope

The Quilmes School for Advanced Bioinformatics was developed with the intention to offer a forum for teaching, discussion, diffusion and actualization of hot topics in Bioinformatics. The school is held annually at the University of Quilmes and involves two weeks (40hs) of theoretical and computer lab classes. Each year the Scientific Committee select a proper subject and invites teachers.


Students should contact Dr. Gustavo Parisi (gusparisi@gmail.com). For each course there is a maximum number of participants that is limited to 30 students.
The deadline for application is one week before the starting date of the school.

Previous Editions

2013 - now

  • 2013

    Actualizaciones en Bioinformatica

    Dr. Silvio Tosatto (University of Padova) - "Non-globular Proteins, Bioinformatics for clinical applications, Tools for network biology"
    Dr. Gustavo Parisi (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes) - "Conformational Diversity in Proteins"
    Dra. Cristina Marino (Fundacion Federico Leloir) - "Identification of Coevolving Amino Acids Using Mutual Information"

  • 2014

    Conceptos básicos en espectroscopía NMR y cristalografía de proteínas

    Dr. Massimo Bellanda (University of Padova) - "Fundamentals of protein NMR spectroscopy"
    Dr. Giuseppe Zanotti (University of Padova) - "Fundamentals of protein crystallography and applications"

  • Participate
    In Our

Scientific Committee

Dr. Gustavo Parisi

National University of Quilmes, Argentina

Dr. María Silvina Fornasari

National University of Quilmes, Argentina

Dr. Silvio Tosatto

University of Padova, Italy

Dr. Maricel Kann

University of Maryland, USA

Dr. Emidio Capriotti

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

Contact Us

Dr. Gustavo Parisi
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Roque Sáenz Peña 352
Bernal, Buenos Aires