Searching a protein in CoDNaS

There are many ways to find your query protein in CoDNaS database:

Search by PDB code or UniProt id in the home page

The user can write a PDB code or UniProt id in the the field and press the search button.

Advanced Search

Viewing a protein entry in CoDNaS

After a search, the results page show a table where you can press on a row in order to enter in a protein description page.

General information of the protein

This first section have biological information about the current protein and general structural information: amount of conformers, percentage of conformers obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of X-ray diffraction (XRD), global sequence identity between conformers, comparison between all conformers (RMSD,TM score, etc), and others. If you have to download this information, press the link JSON (JSON format) or TSV (tab-separated values) in the right corner of this section.

Protein chain conformations

List of all protein structures conformations with specific information: experimental method, resolution (only in X-RAY structures), UniProt ID, presence of ligands, presence of Post-translational modifications and missing residues.

Selecting conformers to compare in a protein entry

In this section of the entry page, you can select different conformations and press the submit button, in order to retrieve all vs all structural alignments comparison. View Comparison of conformers section.

View hierarchical clustering of conformers by RMSD

This section have a dendrogram in the top and a interactive flexible force-directed graph layout that allow the user see the conformers that have similar according to the RMSD value in all vs all comparisons.

Detailed information about the pair of maximum conformational diversity

In the table, you can see the differences in the experimental conditions and other characteristics about the pair of maximum RMSD in the protein. If you press the “View details” button, you will go to the page of detailed information about pairs of conformers. See more details in the next section of this tutorial.

Comparison of conformers

The result table contains all vs all structural information of the selected conformers. You can press any pair of conformers to show a detailed information and view the structural alignment.


In this section, you can interact with the Jsmol visualizer. If you click the “Z-score RMS” button in color options, you will see the superposed structures colored according to the extent of C-alpha RMS by position, normalized in Z distribution. In addition, you can click the “Z-score B-factor” button to see superposed structures colored according to the extent of C-alpha B-factors, normalized in Z distribution. If you have to download the superposed structures in a PBD format file, press the links in the right corner of this section.

Z-score profile by position

Plot shows C-alpha RMS and C-alpha B-factor RMSD by position, normalized in Z distribution.

Sequences alignment

The sequence alignment in the next figure is based on the structural superposition realized in the previous step.

Information about pair of conformers

See details in the section “Detailed information about the pair of maximum conformational diversity”. If you have to download this information, press the link JSON (JSON format) or TSV (tab-separated values) in the right corner of this section.


You can build a custom download. Paste conformers PDB codes in the textarea (one id per row), and choose the information you wan't. You will get all the pair comparison for the selecteds PDBs along with the information you choose to download. Finally you get a tab-separated file.


You can browse CoDNaS according to the CATH hierarchy. Expand the tree to show the category of interest, click the glass, and you will get all the conformers that belongs to this category.